Longer days brought on by the summer heat are ideal for finishing up home improvement work. However, while working outdoors, hot heat also poses a major risk to workers and homeowners alike.
Here are some crucial guidelines for construction heat safety that will help you keep an eye out for heat-related diseases and what steps you can take to help prevent them for you, your family, and anybody else who works in or around your home.
Recognizing when it's too hot to work outside is crucial. Being overheated may be dangerous when it leads to conditions like heat exhaustion or heatstroke. Understanding the distinctions between various heat-related disorders may be able to prevent a medical emergency for someone.
The most dangerous heat-related sickness is heatstroke, which occurs when your body temperature reaches 104°F or greater. It's a disorder brought on by your body overheating, typically from physical activity or extended exposure to heat. The condition is especially common in the summer.
There are certain signs to watch out for when suspecting someone of having heat stroke, including:
Hot, red, dry, or damp skin
Fast, strong pulse
Losing consciousness (passing out)
Differentiating between heat exhaustion and heatstroke can be challenging since they have similar symptoms. As soon as you notice someone suffering from heatstroke, you should dial on emergency contacts. Assisting in reducing their body temperature inside is the next urgent priority. This can be achieved by putting them in a colder location and cooling their face or neck with a cool towel.
A condition known as heat exhaustion is brought on by your body overheating. A rapid pulse and excessive sweating are potential signs. There are three types of heat-related illnesses: heat cramps, heatstroke, and exhaustion. Heat exhaustion is the mildest.
Some of the more common signs of heat exhaustion are:
Heavy sweating
Cold, pale, and clammy skin
Fast, weak pulse
Nausea or vomiting
Muscle cramps
Tiredness or weakness
Fainting (passing out)
Painful, uncontrollable muscular spasms known as "heat cramps" typically happen after strenuous exertion in a hot climate. In comparison to ordinary leg cramps that occur at night, the spasms could be more severe and longer. Dehydration is one of the primary causes of heat cramps.
Consume a lot of liquids, particularly before you start to feel thirsty. Try to drink 8 ounces or more of cold water every 15 to 20 minutes. Consider drinking electrolyte-enhanced beverages in addition to water during intense heat to help replace any nutrients you may have lost. Steer clear of coffee and sugary drinks since these might further dehydrate you. To stay hydrated, limit your intake of water and sports drinks.
Wear appropriate clothing for the weather
Do you know how you were instructed to dress for the conditions? This also holds true when working outside. Put on airy, loose-fitting clothes composed of natural fibres, such as cotton, to assist perspiration escape. When working outside, even for a little period of time, it is preferable to wear light-colored clothes since it reflects heat better than dark-colored clothing, which absorbs it.
To shield your face, neck, and head from the sun, you should also wear a hat with a broad brim. Remember to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher for additional protection, and reapply it every two hours—or more frequently if you perspire a lot.
To avoid having employees outside during the warmest portion of the day, try to arrange the most taxing tasks for the early morning or late evening. If you must work during the day, concentrate on less demanding tasks to prevent heatstroke or exhaustion.
Plan regular pauses in cool, shaded settings; if air conditioning is available, the better. If any tasks can be completed in the shade, they should be done so. This will keep everyone safe and the workday on track.
For the crew, keep ice-filled water and sports drink bottles. Although the majority of workers will bring their own, it's always a good idea to have spares on hand.
Additionally, keep one or two coolers filled with ice ready for people to chill off in or to add to water bottles.
When staff take a break, provide them frosty delights like popsicles or ice pops.
Make sure all of your shaded spots are free for the staff to use as a rest area. Alternatively, you may make some room in your garage.
If the weather turns too hot and your contractor has to end the day's work, be understanding.
Learn more about Construction Challenges in Summer