Bricks are an indispensable part of house construction materials. In addition to strength, their size is also crucial in the erection of a building. From the very commencement of the development of bricks, the measurement of bricks is very important. Since these bricks are used in numerous constructions and other ways diverse fields need diverse sizes of brick. Diverse shapes and diverse formations are also required.
As per the BIS guideline, the customary brick dimension in India is 190 mm x 90 mm x 90 mm. The measurements of bricks modify to 200 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm while the mortar is thick, which is often mentioned to as the minimal size of the modular brick.
Brick is a generally used building material. It is a unit prepared from burnt clay. It is primarily composed of clay, lime, sand and bearing soil or else other concrete materials. Holding a good blend of these elements the combination is fired into the manufacturing course. Then a dry Brick is prepared.
Diverse countries make brick in diverse ways for diverse applications. And now there are several forms of bricks are formed in the world.
Depending on the several dimension (length x depth x height) there are various classes of Brick.
Click here to learn various type of bricks and its uses in Construction
In addition to any other numerous dimensions of bricks, international construction agencies preserve a standard measurement of brick. The ordinary brick size for the working drive is 225 x 112.5 x 75 mm measurement (length x depth x height). Furthermore, this contains 10 mm mortar joints, plus then the authentic facet of the brick is 215 x 102.5 x 65 in mm measurement.
Moreover, these different countries make use of different standard dimensions of a brick. Similar to
The United Kingdom Average Brick Dimensions
The average dimension of an up-to-date brick is 215 × 102.5 × 65 in mm (Means: length x depth x height) dimension.
The United States Average Brick Dimensions
Contemporary standard brick measurement is 203 × 92 × 57 mm. The more regularly applied is the modular brick, whose dimension is 194 × 92 × 57 mm (Means: length x depth x height).
Australia's Average Brick Dimensions
The Boral company recommended the typical brick size of 230 x 110 x 76 mm (Means: length x depth x height). Moreover, different size bricks are manufactured there.
Cyclonic Areas Average Brick Dimensions
Cyclonic zones with larger hollow bricks are employed, whose typical dimension is 290 x 140 x 90 mm (Means: length x depth x height).
Bangladesh Average Brick Dimension
In Bangladesh, the typical brick dimension in inches is 9 1⁄2 x 4 1⁄2 x 2 3⁄4 inches (Means: length x depth x height).
India Average Brick Dimensions
The average brick dimension is 190 x 90 x 90 mm (Means: length x depth x height) as approved by BIS. Through mortar thickness, the measurement of the brick is 200 x 100 x 100 mm.
Nepal Average Brick Dimensions
The average brick dimension is 240 x 115 x 57 mm (Means: length x depth x height), which is approved by the National Building Code (NBC) of Nepal.